Meta Ad Library Parser is a client-side, open-source tool and is not affiliated with Meta. It parses HTTP Archive (HAR) files from the Meta Ad Library and converts them to CSV.
Follow the instructions below on how to export the HAR file from the Ad Library page, and then insert the file into this parser to download the data in comma-separated values (CSV) format.
With your browser open to, open the Developer Tools:
In the Developer Tools window, click on the "Network" tab.
Make sure that network recording is enabled. It is usually enabled automatically when you open the "Network" tab, but check for a "record" button (usually a red circle) and click it if necessary.
With the Developer Tools open and network recording enabled, perform the search.
If necessary, continue scrolling through the page, as only what is rendered in the browser is available in the HAR file.
Wait until all necessary resources have loaded. This is indicated when the list of network requests in the "Network" tab stops updating.
Save as HAR: