
It is possible to save the CDX data in three formats. In the command line tool, these three formats are saved automatically.


This format allows for easy viewing of the archived tweets, through the use of the iframe tag. Each tweet contains four viewing options, which render when clicking on the accordion:

  • archived_tweet_url: (str) The archived URL.

  • parsed_archived_tweet_url: (str) The archived URL after parsing. It is not guaranteed that this option will be archived, it is just a facilitator, as the originally archived URL does not always exist, due to changes in URLs and web services of the social network Twitter. Check the Utils.

  • original_tweet_url: (str) The original tweet URL.

  • parsed_tweet_url: (str) The original tweet URL after parsing. Old URLs were archived in a nested manner. The parsing applied here unnests these URLs, when necessary. Check the Utils.

Additionally, other fields are displayed.


Option to analyze the CDX data in comma-separated values.


Option to analyze the data in JavaScript Object Notation.